Lost Voyages

They said the yola was so small, you had to hold your breath and each other, whenever the waves came crashing. That the wind kept blowing the boat the opposite direction and the salt water, teased their thirst. ...
They said the yola was so small, you had to hold your breath and each other, whenever the waves came crashing. That the wind kept blowing the boat the opposite direction and the salt water, teased their thirst. ...
(Antes que nada, aclaremos lo siguiente. El hula hula es un parque que también sirve de punto de encuentro para muchas rutas de autobuses en la ciudad de San Salvador. Hasta el año 2020 fue así. Por otro lado, Sibar...
I wonder if mami looks at me and sees the little girl I used to be. Does it keep her up at night, how the world got its hands-on me? Even though so many of her nights were filled...
En mis pensamientos siempre llevo la imagen de la familia perfecta. Llevo tus abrazos y el aroma del amor llenandome la memoria con imagenes de cuando era niña, y nos sentabamos en la mesa blanca y madera a tomar...