The Last Debate

The hospital room was quiet except for the steady beeping of the heart monitor and the soft hum of the air conditioning. Outside, the sun was setting, casting long shadows on the walls, but inside, time seemed to stand still....
The hospital room was quiet except for the steady beeping of the heart monitor and the soft hum of the air conditioning. Outside, the sun was setting, casting long shadows on the walls, but inside, time seemed to stand still....
At first he didn’t think anything of it. Everybody falls sometimes. And especially Eduardo, who was always writing some song at the least opportune time. At a family gathering. When he was kissing his girl and suddenly had to jot...
My first memory is of Abuela stirring a pot in the kitchen. I stood beside her on my tippy toes, fingers curled on the cream-colored linoleum countertop. “Cuando voy a la e’cuela voy a e’tudiar duro.” I promised. “Así es.”...
“Okay, folks, please take a seat and get comfortable. We’re starting the week with another lesson designed to start some shit!” The students erupt in laughter following Professor Velazquez’s melodramatic greeting. The professor, wearing a signature Yankees jacket, scruffy sneakers,...
The biography of Jackie Robinson’s ‘Who Am I’ was one of the most borrowed books from the collection in my 2nd-grade classroom. When it was my turn to take the book home from school, I kept it by my side...
My hair journey is an atypical one compared to most who share my culture, background, or hair type. Though I’ve faced the same all-too-common hair shaming from others because of my hair’s natural composition, that relentless campaign exclusively came from...
Apenas sonó la campana del recreo, los estudiantes corrieron hacia Michael. No fue necesario que él los llamara ni que gritara para que le pusieran atención. Michael estaba en el duodécimo grado, y la posición a la cual esta jerarquía...
Él se mató y en vez de tomar su muerte como una oportunidad para tratarnos diferente, y entender que la salud mental es algo que necesita la misma atención que le ponemos a todo los otros dolores, –Porque no sé...
Papá y mamá están otra vez en su habitación discutiendo. —¡No hables fuerte que nos escuchan los chicos! Ellos creen que no nos damos cuenta de lo que pasa. Mamá no deja de reprocharle a papá que las cosas no...
Mi mundo es ocre, es negro, peludo, húmedo, pink. Al entrar a él verás un túnel, un agujero oscuro, que conduce a la tierra de las féminas. Cuando llegó mi tiempo y crucé la frontera nadie me dio la bienvenida....