Lost Voyages

They said the yola was so small, you had to hold your breath and each other, whenever the waves came crashing. That the wind kept blowing the boat the opposite direction and the salt water, teased their thirst. ...
They said the yola was so small, you had to hold your breath and each other, whenever the waves came crashing. That the wind kept blowing the boat the opposite direction and the salt water, teased their thirst. ...
Tengo que admitir: pensaba que poseía poca apreciación por la poesía. Pero poetas como Roxana Calderón me inspiran las rimas. Después de escuchar la declamación de Amanda Gorman en la ceremonia de investidura del presidente Joe Biden, me comprometí a...
Telling people I am a Libra, is really just a short and lazy way of telling people I am unable to make decisions. I always crumble under pressure, I see the good in everyone even if it’s not there and...
No tengo memoria de cómo eras al principio, cuando ni siquiera me daba cuenta de que eras parte de mí. Tu cicatriz redondita era un eslabón de la cadena materna infinita. Tampoco recuerdo exactamente cuándo se inició la etapa de...
En la penumbra de la noche Mis inquietudes se aceleran Las palabras son un reproche Con el deseo de me que acogieran La incertidumbre nos recibe al alba Mientras el alma afligida Nuestra desdicha graba Queriendo recurrir a una huida...
Hace casi tres meses llegué a Reino Unido y aunque no he recibido ataques racistas aún, ya me gritaron: “Masks don’t work!”, por usar mascarilla en la calle. Después del aislamiento obligatorio al llegar al país, en mi primera salida...
If a year ever needed to be escaped from, it was 2020. Como muchos in the BIPOC community, I had a tough time, what with job instability, violence, prejudice, global warming, crumbling democracy, and, oh yeah, una jodienda pandémica. To...
Our professor wrote us an email with a bad-mood-warning kind of vibe, letting us know that not everyone going through this pandemic is on equal footing, that there are poor people crowded together dying in the streets of European cities....
My husband, who we’ll call A, had the tree-house-and-bicycle adventures with his friends. The kind of adventures that we Latin Americans who grew up in the eighties dreamed about while devouring E.T. and The Goonies and a heap of buttery...